Hay fever season has started early this year

Posted: Sept 16 2024

Hay fever

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction. It occurs when the nose and/or eyes come into contact with environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mould, and animal dander, triggering an allergic reaction.

If you suffer from hay fever, it can be a condition that is not only debilitating but also challenging to get through the day without sniffling and sneezing.

Symptoms of hay fever

Some of the signs and symptoms include:

  • runny nose
  • itchy nose
  • sneezing
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • congested sinuses

In some serious cases, the symptoms of hay fever can be so severe that a person can’t sleep or concentrate, and may feel tired or unwell.2

Tips to avoid hay fever

If you’re aware of your hay fever there are some easy precautions you can take which don’t involve medication3:

  • Change clothes when get into the house
  • Shake coats
  • Dry clothes inside
  • Keep windows closed
  • Dust with a damp cloth
  • Avoid gardening and lawn mowing
  • Shower after outdoor activities
  • Wear wrap sunnies when outside
  • Quit smoking
  • Clean sheets & bedding frequently in hot water to minimise mites
  • Remove woollen underlays and soft toys from rooms
  • Keep pets outdoors or clean if inside
  • Stay away from foods that produce histamines (Alcoholic beverages, cured & smoked meats, fermented foods & pickles, aged cheese, tomatoes etc.)

Find the right treatment for you

Hay fever relief isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; you may need to try different options and see what works best for you:

  • Keep antihistamines on hand including eye drops or nasal spray.
  • Try using a nasal oil if your nose becomes dry and cracked
  • Use a soothing balm around your nose to help with trapping pollen and to soothe a sore nose
  • Stay hydrated to thin mucus
  • Try an air purifier to filter allergens

Priceline Pharmacy Norwood pharmacist Daniel Ravalico shares his tips for preventing hay fever:

Check the pollen count

Being aware of the daily pollen count will give you a significant advantage and time to prepare treatment in advance. When the pollen count is forecast to be high, you can prepare 24 hours ahead by taking the recommended dosage of antihistamine tablets.

Take antihistamines tablet before bed

Take antihistamines before you go to bed, which are available without the need for a prescription. This will assist in reducing the severity of symptoms such as itchy eyes and sneezing.

There are numerous antihistamines - talk to your pharmacist about which one might be suitable for your symptoms.

Try a nasal spray

Nasal sprays are considered to be the most effective treatment on the market as opposed to hay fever tablets. Corticosteroid and antihistamine sprays act locally in the sinuses to assist in relieving hay fever symptoms by reducing inflammation and clearing a blocked nose.

If symptoms are chronic, using a combination of hay fever tablets and a nasal spray is recommended.

Speak with your Pharmacist about how to best treat your hay fever symptoms.

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1ABS, 2022, National Health Survey: State and territory findings, retrieved from: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/health-conditions-and-risks/national-health-survey-state-and-territory-findings/2022

2Better Health Channel , Victorian State Government, 2024, Hay Fever, retrieved from: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/hay-fever

3Push Doctor, 2024, How To Get Rid of Hay Fever – 25 Tips, retrieved from: https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/what-we-treat/allergies/articles/how-to-get-rid-of-hay-fever-25-tips


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