Could you save with the new 60-day prescription policy?

Posted: Sept 14 2023

You may have heard in the news or from your doctor about the new 60-day prescriptions of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines.

What is the new 60-day prescription policy?

Eligible people living with chronic conditions will be able to access 60 days’ worth of a PBS listed medicine instead of 30 days. However, these medicines will be available in 60 days’ supply in stages, and not all at once.

We understand you may be wondering, what does this actually mean and is this going to affect me?

This policy is designed to save eligible patients money on their scripts and in some cases reduce visits to their doctor.

Am I eligible for a 60 day prescription?

It will be up to your General Practitioner (GP) as to whether you are clinically eligible for 60 days of supply. The policy will be rolled out in 3 stages.

The first stage of the policy includes medicines for long term, ongoing conditions such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure
  • Crohns disease
  • Gout
  • Heart failure
  • High cholesterol

It is best to speak to your GP to understand if are eligible. You will need a new 60-day script, as any existing 30-day script will only give you just that – 30 days’ worth of supply.

To view the full list of medicines on the PBS scheme click here.

How does this new policy benefit consumers?

If your medicines are listed, you are stable on your medication and your GP deems you eligible, you will only need to pay a single PBS co-payment for 60 days’ worth of supply.

For example, instead of paying $30 for Risedronate 5mg 28 tablets (an osteoporosis drug) every 30 days, you may only need to pay $30 for 60 days after 1 September 2023.

When will I start saving money?

As the 60-day script changes will happen in three stages over twelve months from 1 September 2023, eligible medicines will be added at each stage. You doctor is the only person who can decide whether you can have 60 days’ supply, so once you receive a script for 60 days, you are then likely to start saving on your medicines.

What should members do?

It is important to be patient with both GPs and Pharmacies as they work through these changes as this is new to them. Speak to your doctor for more information about how these changes relate to your situation. For more information you can visit the Australian Government Website.

How does this affect my prescription benefits on my Extras cover?

Health Partners is currently not changing any prescription benefits in their participating pharmacy scheme as this policy rolls out.

We’re here to help. If you have any questions or concerns about your extras cover, contact our Member Care team on 1300 113 113.

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Posted: Sept 14 2023


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